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Nightlife in Milan: Aperitifs, Parties and more

Where to go in the evening in Milan? What about Milan by night?
On this page you can find a selection of events for your evenings in Milan, the second city of Italy.
Nightlife in Milan is very rich. But often, for someone coming to Milan for tourism, it can be difficult to find the right place where to go in the evening. Great part of the information on the internet is obsolete. In Milan, in the same clubs and bars, audiance, prices and music can change dramatically from evening to evening. So knowing that a bar is a nice place is not enough to avoid disappointments!
The evening and the nightlife events presented on this page are directed in particular to an audiance with an age between 25 and 40, but of course they are open also to younger and older people. The advantage to join us are various. First of all you will have the opportunity to enjoy a real evening in Milan style, not something artificial just for tourists. Second, you will have a table or reference area without any extra costs. Third, you will have the possibility to spend your evening meeting new people. And last but not least, if you like, you will have to possibility to get photographed and find later the pictures on this web site!

Some general info
  • Aperitivo: Aperitif in Milan style has become in reality a small buffet dinner. The success of the aperitivo is based on the fact that it is the easiest and cheapest way to meet with friends. Depending on the day it can start from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. There is always a free buffet. If you pay the entrance one drink is always included. All the events starting from about 8.00-8.30pm include a buffet, if in the description the opposite is not stated.
  • Drink prices: The price of one drink usually goes from 8 to 10 Euros in elegant bars and clubs. It can reach 15 - 20 Euros in top locations.
  • Price variation during the evening: In general the earlier you get in the less you pay and the more you get. The entrance price can go from 10 Euros with one drink until about 22.30 to 15 - 20 Euros later. In the second case there is usually a drink included, but of course nothing to eat!
  • Hybrid locations: In Milan many locations are bar, restaurant and club at the same time. In those locations you can both have an aperitivo or eat sitting at the table and later dance without changing location. The advantage is that you can have a real dinner and go dancing without having to change location. I you are interested in an evening like this, send us an email!
  • Dress code: In Milan (and in Italy in general) usually people go out in the evening dressed more elegant then in many other parts of the world. Except in open bars and when it is very warm it is better to avoid shorts.
If there are no events for the day you are interested in, send us an email and we will try to propose you something suitable for you!

NOTE: Where the English version of a title or text is missing, the Italian one is presented!

* This page, which has no profit motive, has a collection of events chosen by or inserted by third parties., and who manages this website, assume no responsibility regarding the presented events, both as regards any changes or cancelation, both as regards their operation.