Events Calender
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Fuorisalone events in Milan and not only

If you are in Milan, the second largest city in Italy, for tourism and you are interested in culture, there is usually a lot to do and to see during the day. Events and expositions are taking place during the whole year.
On this page you can find a selection of cultural events in Milan and around Milan, both of scientific subject and humanistic/artistic subject, listed according the day they start. In particular expositions, presentations, meetings, festivals, but also excursions to art sites and natural attractions.
In all pages there is a link toward the original page, in order to get direct access to all the possible extra information.
Use the dropdownlist in order to visualize only the events belonging to a certain category.
The events inserted in the last seven days are marked as new additions!
Events where Milanofotografo is directly present are highlighted in grey.

NOTE: Where the English version of a title or text is missing, the Italian one is presented!

Events in the day
All dates
Dimensionare lo spazio -  Exhibitions
18/09/2024 - 21/11/2024:
Ferdinando Scianna "La geometria e la compassione" -  Exhibitions
14/11/2024 - 18/01/2025:
Dimensionare lo spazioFerdinando Scianna "La geometria e la compassione"
* This page, which has no profit motive, has a collection of events chosen by or inserted by third parties., and who manages this website, assume no responsibility regarding the presented events, both as regards any changes or cancelation, both as regards their operation.
Events that are not considered in line with the philosophy of milanofotografo can be removed without notice by the site managers.