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What to visit in Milan: Villas und palaces

This pages contains a selection of villas and palaces in Milan and near to it. The main city of Lombardy host countless palaces of different epochs. Unfortunately only few of them can be visited. Among them the onse which were transformed in house museums, in particolar House Museum Bagatti Valsecchi and House Museum Poldi Pezzoli. But in Milan you can find also proper villas, since the city has growth of the city coused buldings once in the country side being now located inside it. This is for example the case of Villa Clerici and of the much older Villa Mirabello. Other villas, like for example Villa Litta Borromeo and Villa Arconati, are indeed just aoutside the city bordes, and are therefore described in the section What to visit around Milan
they can be presented as part of it.
Finally there are palaces which have never been private residential buildings, but which are nevertheless of great historical and artistic value. It is the case of House Verdi, of the Institute for the Blinds of Milan, and of the Palaces of the Gallerie d'Italia in Scala square.



Search key words:
Liberty nella zona di Porta Venezia in Milan:  Villas und palaces  Modern Architecture MilanCasa Campanini in Milan:  Villas und palaces  Modern Architecture Milan
Category: Villas und palaces Modern Architecture
Styles present: Art Nouveau
Position on Google Maps
Category: Villas und palaces Modern Architecture
Styles present: Art Nouveau
Position on Google Maps
Casa Museo Bagatti Valsecchi in Milan:  Villas und palaces MilanCasa Museo Poldi Pezzoli in Milan:  Villas und palaces  Others Milan
Category: Villas und palaces
Styles present: Renaissance
Position on Google Maps
Category: Villas und palaces Others
Styles present: 0
Position on Google Maps
Casa degli Atellani e Vigna di Leonardo in Milan:  Villas und palaces  Others MilanCasa Verdi in Milan:  Villas und palaces Milan
Category: Villas und palaces Others
Styles present: Renaissance
Position on Google Maps
Category: Villas und palaces
Styles present: Neogothic Eclectic
Position on Google Maps
Istituto dei Ciechi di Milano in Milan:  Villas und palaces  Others MilanPalazzo Morando in Milan:  Villas und palaces  Others Milan
Category: Villas und palaces Others
Styles present: Eclectic
Position on Google Maps
Category: Villas und palaces Others
Styles present: Baroque Rococò
Position on Google Maps
Palazzi delle Gallerie d'Italia in Piazza Scala in Milan:  Villas und palaces MilanQuadrilatero del Silenzio in Milan:  Villas und palaces  Others  Modern Architecture Milan
Category: Villas und palaces
Styles present: Neoclassic
Position on Google Maps
Category: Villas und palaces Others Modern Architecture
Styles present: Eclectic Art Nouveau
Position on Google Maps
Residenza Vignale in Milan:  Villas und palaces  Modern Architecture MilanPalazzo Serbelloni in Milan:  Villas und palaces Milan
Category: Villas und palaces Modern Architecture
Styles present: Other
Position on Google Maps
Category: Villas und palaces
Styles present: Baroque Rococò Neoclassic
Position on Google Maps
Villa Clerici di Niguarda  in Milan:  Villas und palaces MilanVilla Mirabello in Milan:  Villas und palaces Milan
Category: Villas und palaces
Styles present: 0
Position on Google Maps
Category: Villas und palaces
Styles present: Renaissance
Position on Google Maps
Villa Scheibler in Milan:  Villas und palaces MilanPalazzo Visconti in Milan:  Villas und palaces Milan
Category: Villas und palaces
Styles present: Renaissance Baroque
Position on Google Maps
Category: Villas und palaces
Styles present: Rococò Neorococò
Position on Google Maps