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Fano (Pesaro e Urbino, Italy): Interior of the dome of the Church of San Paterniano

Date: 25/07/2020 Fuji x-s1 Lens: Fisso - Fixed ISO: 100 Exposure time: 6.5-3-1.5-3/4
Aperture: 2.8 Focal lenght: 28mm Place: Fano (Pesaro e Urbino, Italy) Subject: Interior of the dome of the Church of San Paterniano
Notes: Fusion of four pictures on a scale of 3 stops.
The interior of the dome, at the intersection of the central nave with the transept, is completely occupied by a fresco by Giambattista Ragazzini depicting the Paradise (1556).
The apsidal basin is entirely occupied by the fresco depicting "God the Father" by the Ravenna painter Giambattista Ragazzini (1556).
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Fano (Pesaro e Urbino, Italy): Interior of the dome of the Church of San Paterniano - Fano (Pesaro e Urbino, Italy)