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San Nazzaro Sesia (Novara, Italy): Facade of the church of the Abbey of Saints Nazario and Celso

Date: 20/02/2016 Panasonic DMC-G2 Lens: Lumix G HD 14-140mm ISO: 100 Exposure time: 1/1000-1/500-1/250
Aperture: 5 Focal lenght: 28mm Place: San Nazzaro Sesia (Novara, Italy) Subject: Facade of the church of the Abbey of Saints Nazario and Celso
Notes: Fusion of three pictures on a scale of 2 stops.
The two arcaded wings that seem to interrupt the facade: they are the remains of the narthex, or more exactly the quadrangle with two floors where presumably pilgrims could find a place where to rest.
Other pictures of the Abbey of Saints Nazario and Celso and info about its history
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San Nazzaro Sesia (Novara, Italy): Facade of the church of the Abbey of Saints Nazario and Celso - San Nazzaro Sesia (Novara, Italy)