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Foto 23/04/2017 - o
Foto 23/04/2017 - o
Foto 23/04/2017 - o
13/03/2019 - 14/07/2019: Humanistic/artistic cultural events Exhibitions

Nur englische Beschreibung:

It is nature in its complex variety that constitutes the heart of the exhibition; an exhibition held on the occasion of the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci. The exhibition project, promoted and produced by the Municipality of Milan-Culture, Palazzo Reale and 24 ORE Cultura, is curated by Giovanni Agosti and Jacopo Stoppa with the sets of Margherita Palli. The focus of the exhibition is the reconstruction, in the Hall of the Caryatids, of one of the most singular figurative complexes of the seventeenth century in Italy, the Cycle of Orpheus, which is part of the Civic Collections of the Municipality of Milan and is composed of 23 paintings depicting more than 200 different life-size animals chasing each other in a fluid landscape. A unicum in the Italian figurative production, both for the dimensions and for the quantity of animal and vegetable species depicted. The decision to transfer the paintings to the Royal Palace on the occasion of the exhibition is also linked to the opportunity to proceed with a restoration of the giant canvases, downstream of the exhibition. Nature can be admired not only through the artistic representation, but also through the direct observation of over 160 specimens of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and invertebrates from the Natural History Museum, the Milan Aquarium and the MUSE of Trento. In fact, visitors will be able to recognize the same animals that animate the canvases of the Orpheus Cycle by walking among the exhibits.


Monday 14.30 - 19.30
Tuesday Wednesday,
Friday and Sunday 9.30 - 19.30
Thursday and Saturday 9.30am - 10.30pm

The ticket office closes an hour before


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Wo: Palazzo Reale - Piazza Duomo