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Milanofotografo - Pictures All categories

Only records containing the keywords (in Subject, Place or Notes):
Milan (Italy): Facade of the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione
Milan (Italy): "Crib with Saints" by Gaudenzio Ferrari
Milan (Italy): Detail of the ceiling of the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione
Milan (Italy): Apse of the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione
Milan (Italy): Interior of the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione
Milan (Italy): Martyrdom of Sant'Andrea by Enea Salmeggia
Milan (Italy): Chapel of the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione with the painting "Crib with Saints"
Milan (Italy): Sant'Antonio Abate Chapel, or Obiano Chapel, in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Decorated vaults in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Frescoes on the vault of the Chapel of  Sant'Ambrogio in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Frescoes on the vault of the Obiano Chapel in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Frescoes on the left wall of the Obiano Chapel in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Polyptych by Montorfano in the Obiano Chapel in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Frescoes on the ceiling of the Chapel of the Virgin in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Left lateral chapels in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Left nave of the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Grifi Chapel inside the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Detail of the Polyptych by Montorfano in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Left wall of the Obiano Chapel in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Detail of the fresco of the Marriage of the Virgin in San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Chapel of St. John Baptist in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Left wall of the Chapel of the Virgin in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Rear wall of the Obiano Chapel in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Right wall of the Chapel of the Virgin in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Arches in the right nave of the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Right wall and dome of the Grifi Chapel in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Right nave of the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Vault of the Grifi Chapel in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Frescoes on the vault of the Grifi Chapel in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Angels on the vault of the Grifi Chapel in the Church of San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): The Chapel of  Sant’Ambrogio, or Grifi Chapel, in San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Detail of the Chapel of  Sant’Ambrogio, or Grifi Chapel, in San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Chapel of Sant’Antonio Abate, or Chapel Obiano
Milan (Italy): Ceiling of the chapel of Sant’Antonio Abate, or Chapel Obiano
Milan (Italy): Left side chapels in San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Donato Montorfano, frescos, Cappella Obiano in San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Voults covered with frescos in San Pietro in Gessate