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Only records containing the keywords (in Subject, Place or Notes):
Milan (Italy): Tiburium of the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): The Basilica of San Simpliciano seen from a colonnade of the Small Cloister
Milan (Italy): Bell tower of the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Coronation of the Virgin in the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Interior of the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Late medieval frescoes in the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Altar and pulpits the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Base of the left choir loft in the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Right aisle of the left arm of the transept of the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Chapel of San Benedict in the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Romanesque vaults in the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Base of the right choir loft in the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Right arm of the transept of the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Left side of the base of the left choir loft in the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Arcades light and shadows in the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Four of the paintings of the baroque via crucis in the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Choir in the apse of the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Romanesque portal  of the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Ceiling of the Chapel of San Benedict in the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Apse of the Basilica of San Simpliciano at dusk
Milan (Italy): Right lateral nave of the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Retable of the altar in the chapel of St. Benedict in the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Vertical view of the interior of the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Interior of the tiburium of the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Basilica of San Simpliciano in the evening
Milan (Italy): Apse of the Basilica of san Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Interior of the chapel of St. Benedict in the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Left choir loft and main altar of the Basilica of san Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Basilica of San Simpliciano: Altar and aps
Milan (Italy): Transept of the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Walls and columns inside the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Altar and aps of the Basilica of San Simpliciano by night
Milan (Italy): Basilica of San Simpliciano by night: altar and aps
Milan (Italy): San Benedict Chapel inside the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Church of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Altar and aps of the Basilica of San Simpliciano