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Only records containing the keywords (in Subject, Place or Notes):
Biella (Italy): Baptistery of the Cathedral of Biella by night
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Interior of the Basilica Concathedral of Sant'Agata
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Chapel of the Virgin of Graces in the Cathedral
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Detail of the retable of the altar of the Virgin of Graces in the Cathedral
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Retable of the altar of the Virgin of Graces in the Cathedral
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Lunette of the back wall of the presbytery of the Cathedral
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Chapel of the Crowned Virgin and of the Saints Oronzo and Nicholas in the Cathedral
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Ceiling of the nave of the Cathedral
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Chapel of the Adoration of the Magi in the Cathedral
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Chapel of St. Francis from Paola in the Cathedral
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Chapel of the Immaculate Conception in the Cathedral
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Chapel of the Assumption in the Cathedral
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Detail of the retable of the altar of the Immaculate Conception in the Cathedral
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Detail of the sculptural decorations of the altar of the Immaculate Conception in the Cathedral
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament in the Cathedral
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): "Jesus chases the merchants from the temple" on the counter-façade of the Cathedral
Biella (Italy): Bell tower of the Cathedral of Biella
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Main altar and choir of the presbytery of the Cathedral
Monza (Monza e Brianza, Italy): Upper part of the  bell tower of the Cathedral of Monza
Milan (Italy): The Cathedral seen from the Martini Terrace
Milan (Italy): The Cathedral and its square seen from the Martini Terrace
Milan (Italy): Bottom of the central nave of the Cathedral
Milan (Italy): Statue of skinned St. Bartholomew in the Cathedral
Milan (Italy): Altar of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary at the Temple in the Cathedral
Milan (Italy): Central nave of the Cathedral
Milan (Italy): Altar of the Crucifix of San Carlo in the Cathedral
Milan (Italy): Senatorial choir and organs of the Cathedral
Milan (Italy): Left organ of the Cathedral
Biella (Italy): Central nave of the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Interior of the baptistery of the Cathedral of Biella, aka Baptistery of Saint John
Biella (Italy): Presbytery and left arm of transept of the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Fresco of the Madonna enthroned with Child in the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Fresco of the Christ of Sunday in the St. Stephen's Cathedral
Biella (Italy): Choir of the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Fourteenth-century fresco in the Baptistery of San Giovanni of the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): First span of the right nave of the cathedral
Biella (Italy): Chapel of the crucifix in the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Cathedral of Biella - interior
Biella (Italy): Crucifix with real hair in the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Seats of the choir of the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Left lateral nave of the Cathedral of Santo Stefano
Biella (Italy): Central apse and main altar of the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): The three naves of the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Pulpit of the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Presbytery and apse of the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Central apse of the Cathedral of Biella
Monza (Monza e Brianza, Italy): Back and bell tower of the Cathedral of Monza
Biella (Italy): Ceiling of the crossing of the Cathedral of Biella
Milan (Italy): Flowering magnolia with illuminated window of the Duomo in the background
Recanati (Macerata, Italy): Vergin with the saints Rocco and Filippo Neri in the Concathedral of San Flaviano
Recanati (Macerata, Italy): Presbytery of the Concathedral of San Flaviano
Recanati (Macerata, Italy): Martyrdom of Saint Paolina in the Concathedral of San Flaviano
Recanati (Macerata, Italy): Detail of the ceiling of the Concathedral of San Flaviano
Recanati (Macerata, Italy): Span of the lateral nave with the altar dedicated to the Martyrdom of Saint Paolina in the Concathedral of San Flaviano
Osimo (Ancona, Italy): Interior of the Duomo di San Leopardo
Osimo (Ancona, Italy): Interior of the Concathedral of Osimo
Osimo (Ancona, Italy): Chapel of the Sacrament inside the Cathedral of San Leopardo
Osimo (Ancona, Italy): Vault of the Chapel of the Sacrament in the Cathedral of San Leopardo
Osimo (Ancona, Italy): Sarcophagus in the crypt of the Cathedral of San Leopardo
Osimo (Ancona, Italy): Crypt of the Cathedral of San Leopardo
Osimo (Ancona, Italy): Absidal basin of the Cathedral of San Leopardo
Osimo (Ancona, Italy): Arches inside the Concathedral of Osimo
Osimo (Ancona, Italy): Chapel of the crucifix in the Cathedral of San Leopardo
Osimo (Ancona, Italy): Chapel of the Virgin of the Rosary in the Cathedral of San Leopardo
Osimo (Ancona, Italy): Chapel of the Sacred Spine in the Cathedral of San Leopardo
Osimo (Ancona, Italy): Apse of the Cathedral of San Leopardo
Milan (Italy): The rear central window of the Duomo
Otranto (Lecce, Italy): Detail of the ceiling of the Cathedral of Otranto
Otranto (Lecce, Italy): Decorations above the entrance of the Cathedral
Otranto (Lecce, Italy): Facade of the cathedral
Otranto (Lecce, Italy): Fresco of the nativity in the crypt of the Cathedral
Monza (Monza e Brianza, Italy): Interior covered with frescos of the tiburium of the Cathedral of Monza
Monza (Monza e Brianza, Italy): Tree of life on the right wall of the transept of the Duomo of Monza
Monza (Monza e Brianza, Italy): Organ and frescoes in the Duomo of Monza
Monza (Monza e Brianza, Italy): Right arm of the transept of the Cathedral of Monza
Monza (Monza e Brianza, Italy): Presbytery of the Duomo of Monza
Monza (Monza e Brianza, Italy): Ceiling of the presbytery of the Cathedral of Monza
Monza (Monza e Brianza, Italy): Central and right apses of the Cathedral of Monza
Monza (Monza e Brianza, Italy): Ceiling of the right arm of the transept of the Cathedral of Monza
Monza (Monza e Brianza, Italy): Stairs of the pulpit of the Cathedral of Monza
Monza (Monza e Brianza, Italy): Fresco of St. Peter Martyr in the Cathedral of Monza
Monza (Monza e Brianza, Italy): Renaissance and Baroque frescoes in the Cathedral of Monza
Milan (Italy): The white magnolia behind the Duomo in bloom
Milan (Italy): The pink magnolia behind the Duomo in bloom
Casarano (Lecce, Italy): Decorations above the doorway of the Cathedral Church
Biella (Italy): Interior of the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Detail of the ceiling of the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Altar and aps of the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Detail of the interior of the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Pigeon with the baptistery of the Cathedral of Biella in the background
Milan (Italy): Facade of the Duomo by night
Milan (Italy): The Duomo seen from San Raffaele street
Otranto (Lecce, Italy): The ossuary of the Cathedral of Otranto
Otranto (Lecce, Italy): Interiors of the cathedral of Otranto
Otranto (Lecce, Italy): Facade of the Cathedral
Otranto (Lecce, Italy): Detail inside the cathedral
Otranto (Lecce, Italy): Bell tower of the cathedral
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Decorations inside the Duomo
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Vault of the presbytery of the Basilica Concathedral of Sant'Agata
Milan (Italy): Duomo pinnacles with moon
Milan (Italy): Detail of the Duomo at darkening
Milan (Italy): The Duomo after sunset
Milan (Italy): The spires of the Duomo
Milan (Italy): On the roof of the Duomo
Milan (Italy): Sight from the roof of the Duomo
Milan (Italy): Torre Velasca from the roof of the Duomo
Milan (Italy): Pinnacles on the roof of the Duomo
Milan (Italy): Sight from the top of the Duomo
Milan (Italy): The Duomo with dark clouds behind and illuminated by the sunset sun
Milan (Italy): Detail of the Duomo
Milan (Italy): Two windows of the facade of the Duomo
Milan (Italy): Two pinnacles of the Duomo at dusk with the moon in the background
Milan (Italy): Window of the Milan Cathedral