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Only records containing the keywords (in Subject, Place or Notes):
Carpignano Sesia (Novara, Italy): Apsidal basin of the central apse of the St. Peter's Church
Carpignano Sesia (Novara, Italy): Fresco of the Annunciation in the St. Peter's Church
Carpignano Sesia (Novara, Italy): Apses of the St. Peter's Church
Carpignano Sesia (Novara, Italy): Fresco of St. Caterina from Siena in St. Peter's Church
Carpignano Sesia (Novara, Italy): Frescoes of fishes and fantastic animals in St. Peter's Church
Carpignano Sesia (Novara, Italy): A court of the ricetto
Carpignano Sesia (Novara, Italy): Central apse of St. Peter's Church
Carpignano Sesia (Novara, Italy): Three of the apostles depicted on the wall of the central apse of the church of San Pietro