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Milanofotografo - Pictures All categories

Only records containing the keywords (in Subject, Place or Notes):
Rosazza (Biella, Italy): Coreus marginatus
Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Probabably Episyrphus balteatus
Rosazza (Biella, Italy): The tower of the castle di Rosazza
Rosazza (Biella, Italy): Panorama toward Le Desate
Rosazza (Biella, Italy): Cerceris arenaria
Rosazza (Biella, Italy): Adelocera murina
Rosazza (Biella, Italy): Carnations
Rosazza (Biella, Italy): Polymorpha ephialtes
Rosazza (Biella, Italy): Detail of young grashopper
Milan (Italy): Detail of the pulpit of San Fedele
Milan (Italy): Detail of San Fedele
Milan (Italy): Sacred Heart Ceramic Lucio Fontana (1956) in San Fedele
Milan (Italy): Second right chapel in San Fedele
Milan (Italy): Church of San Fedele
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Polymorpha ephialtes
Milan (Italy): Church of Sant Angelo
Milan (Italy): Voult of the transcept of Sant Angelo
Milan (Italy): Church of Sant Angelo: left chapel of the transcept
Milan (Italy): One of the lateral chapels of the church of Sant Angelo
Milan (Italy): Detail os transept and aps of Sant Angelo
Milan (Italy): Decorated transept and aps of Sant Angelo
Milan (Italy): Detail o the aps of Sant Angelo
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Panorpa communis
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Bug on a tree branch
Milan (Italy): Abbey of San Lorenzo in Monluè
Milan (Italy): Interior of the Abbey of San Lorenzo in Monluè
Milan (Italy): Deetail of the Abbey of San Lorenzo in Monluè
Milan (Italy): Decorations on the vaults of Santa Maria dei Miracoli
Milan (Italy): Decorations in Santa Maria dei Miracoli
Milan (Italy): Sight of Inside of the dome of Santa Maria dei Miracoli
Milan (Italy): Shapes and colors inside the Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli
Milan (Italy): Statue inside Santa Maria dei Miracoli
Milan (Italy): Details inside Santa Maria dei Miracoli
Milan (Italy): Interiors of Santa Maria dei Miracoli
Milan (Italy): House entrance in Italia street
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Coccinellide Halyzia sedecimguttata
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Valgus hemipterus
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Young woods cockroach
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Immature of little bug
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Curculionid beetle of the genus 
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Coccinellide beetle Halyzia sedecimguttata
Valmosca fraction of Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Meloe proscarabeus
Valmosca fraction of Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Meloe proscarabeus on a rock
Valmosca fraction of Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Meloe proscarabeus on a stone
Valmosca fraction of Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Isolated tree on a rock at sunset
Rosazza (Biella, Italy): Pisaura mirabilis
Rosazza (Biella, Italy): Pisaura mirabilis
Rosazza (Biella, Italy): Meadow spring flowers
Rosazza (Biella, Italy): Meadow full of small flowers
Rosazza (Biella, Italy): Cervo river
Valmosca fraction of Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Spring woods in the upper Cervo valley
Valmosca fraction of Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Spring woods in the Cervo valley
Rosazza (Biella, Italy): Spring colors
Valmosca fraction of Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Church of Valmosca
Piedicavallo (Biella, Italy): Parochial church
Piedicavallo (Biella, Italy): Frescos on the ceiling of the arochial church
Rosazza (Biella, Italy): Wild spring flowers
Rosazza (Biella, Italy): Spring green
Milan (Italy): The Chapel of  Sant’Ambrogio, or Grifi Chapel, in San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Detail of the Chapel of  Sant’Ambrogio, or Grifi Chapel, in San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Chapel of Sant’Antonio Abate, or Chapel Obiano
Milan (Italy): Ceiling of the chapel of Sant’Antonio Abate, or Chapel Obiano
Milan (Italy): Left side chapels in San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Donato Montorfano, frescos, Cappella Obiano in San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): Voults covered with frescos in San Pietro in Gessate
Milan (Italy): The Unicredit towers at darkening
Milan (Italy): Unicredit towers at darkening
Milan (Italy): Borgognone Chapel in the Chapel of Santa Maria Incoronata
Milan (Italy): Church of Santa Maria Incoronata
Milan (Italy): Funeral monument to Giovanni da Tolentino
Milan (Italy): Frescoes on the wall of the right apse of Church of Santa Maria Incoronata
Milan (Italy): The climb to the Unicredit towers
Milan (Italy): Building in Porta Nuova
Milan (Italy): Glas wall of the minor Uniredit tower
Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Stone garden flower
Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Phlox paniculata carpet
Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Phlox paniculata bouquet
Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Fiori di arbusto esotico
Milan (Italy): The entrance of Galleria Vittorio Emanuele
Milan (Italy): On the side of the Galleria
Milan (Italy): Detail of the Duomo at darkening
Milan (Italy): Basilica of Santo Stefano Maggiore
Milan (Italy): Main altar of the Basilica of Santo Stefano Maggiore
Milan (Italy): Detail of the Basilica of Santo Stefano Maggiore
Milan (Italy): San Bernardino alle Ossa
Milan (Italy): The dome of San Bernardino alle Ossa
Milan (Italy): The ossuary of San Bernardino alle Ossa
Milan (Italy): The walls covered with bones of the ossary of San Bernardino alle Ossa
Milan (Italy): Frescos on the vault of the ossuary of di San Bernardino alle Ossa
Milan (Italy): Elegant building complex in the center
Milan (Italy): The cloudy sky reflected on the Unicredit towers
Milan (Italy): The cloudy sky reflected on the Unicredit tower
Milan (Italy): The internal dome of San Lorenzo Maggiore
Milan (Italy): Basilica of San Lorenzo Maggiore
Milan (Italy): Detail of San Lorenzo Maggiore
Milan (Italy): Decorations in the Chapel di Sant Aquilino
Milan (Italy): Azalea plants at Orticola 2013
Milan (Italy): Azalea plants of various colors at Orticola 2013
Milan (Italy): Beaugonville of various color
Milan (Italy): Succulent plants at Orticola 2013
Milan (Italy): Digitalis flowers
Milan (Italy): Carnations flowers at Orticola 2013
Milan (Italy): Beaugonville stand
Milan (Italy): Beaugonville of different colors
Milan (Italy): Brums
Milan (Italy): Lamborghini in many colors at the meeting at the Castello Sforzesco
Milan (Italy): Lamborghini Diablo from behind
Milan (Italy): Lamborghini of various times
Milan (Italy): Lamborghini Countach
Milan (Italy): Lamborghini Countach front the front
Milan (Italy): Lamborghini Aventador from behind
Milan (Italy): Lamborghini Aventador with special colors
Milan (Italy): Shiny Lamborghini Aventador
Milan (Italy): Detail of a racing  Lamborghini Aventador
Milan (Italy): Frescos on the vaults of Santa Maria delle Grazie
Milan (Italy): Decorations on the vaults of Santa Maria delle Grazie
Milan (Italy): Lateral vaults of Santa Maria delle Grazie
Milan (Italy): Central nave of Santa Maria delle Grazie
Milan (Italy): Detail of Santa Maria delle Grazie
Milan (Italy): The main vault of Santa Maria delle Grazie
Monza (Monza e Brianza, Italy): Wild garlic flowers in the Park of Monza
Monza (Monza e Brianza, Italy): The Park of Monza with wild garlic flowering
Tremezzo (Como, Italy): Rododendrum flower in the park of Villa Carlotta
Tremezzo (Como, Italy): Large tree in the park of Villa Carlotta
Tremezzo (Como, Italy): Large glicine with the Lake Como in the background
Tremezzo (Como, Italy): Park of Villa Carlotta from one of its balconies
Tremezzo (Como, Italy): Park of Villa Carlotta with the huge glicine
Tremezzo (Como, Italy): Detail of the park of Villa Carlotta
Tremezzo (Como, Italy): Rododendrum flowers in the park of Villa Carlotta
Tremezzo (Como, Italy): Detail of the park of Villa Carlotta
Tremezzo (Como, Italy): Part of the park of Villa Carlotta
Tremezzo (Como, Italy): Rododendrum flowers
Tremezzo (Como, Italy): Tulip flower
Tremezzo (Como, Italy): Bellagio seen from Tremezzo
Tremezzo (Como, Italy): Bellagio on Lake Como
Tremezzo (Como, Italy): Villa Melzi in Bellagio
Tremezzo (Como, Italy): Villa Melzi seen from Tremezzo
Milan (Italy): The interiors of the Basilica of Sant'Eufemia
Milan (Italy): Voult of the Basilica di Sant'Eufemia
Milan (Italy): Basilica of Sant'Eufemia
Milan (Italy): Ceiling covered with freskos of the Basilica of Sant'Eufemia
Milan (Italy): Behind Piazza Mercanti
Milan (Italy): Entrance of Sant Eufemia
Milan (Italy): Woman portrait
Milan (Italy): Stand at Fuorisalone 2013 in Tortona street
Milan (Italy): Installation at Fuorisalone 2013 in Tortona street
Milan (Italy): Advertising man in siver at Fuorisalone 2013
Milan (Italy): Advertising man Mondrian style at Fuorisalone 2013
Milan (Italy): Unicredit Tower and new skyscrapers in Porta Nuova
Milan (Italy): construction site in Porta Nuova
Milan (Italy): Old and new in Milan
Milan (Italy): Unicredit Tower seen from Garibaldi
Milan (Italy): View toward the Unicredit Tower
Milan (Italy): New buildings in Porta Nuova
Milan (Italy): Installation at Fuorisalone 2013 in Tortona street
Milan (Italy): Fuorisalone 2013: Installation in Tortona street
Milan (Italy): Tuned car at Fuorisalone 2013
Milan (Italy): Antrum with chandelier
Milan (Italy): Female portrait
Milan (Italy): Santa Maria della Passione
Milan (Italy): Church of Santa Maria della Passione
Milan (Italy): Ceiling of one of the lateral chapels
Milan (Italy): One lateral Chapel of Santa Maria Maggiore
Milan (Italy): Bicocca quarter by night with the Arcimboldi Theatre in the background
Milan (Italy): Quartiere Bicocca by night
Milan (Italy): Sant Alessandro in Zebedia
Milan (Italy): Ceiling di Sant Alessandro in Zebedia
Milan (Italy): Freskos in Sant Alessandro in Zebedia
Milan (Italy): The Baldachin of the sermons in Sant Alessandro
Milan (Italy): Typical street Corso di Porta Ticinese
Milan (Italy): Sant'Alessandro in Zebedia
Milan (Italy): Sant Alessandro Church
Milan (Italy): Freskos in Sant Alessandro
Milan (Italy): Ceiling of Sant Alessandro
Milan (Italy): Sant Alessandro Church
Milan (Italy): Historical electric locomomotives
Milan (Italy): Front of an historical electric locomotive
Milan (Italy): One couchette in the presidential train
Milan (Italy): A brocade seat of the presidential train
Milan (Italy): Large steam locomotive
Milan (Italy): Meeting room in the presidential train
Milan (Italy): Locomotives depot, detail
Milan (Italy): Interiors of the Basilica of Sant Eustorgio
Milan (Italy): One of the lateral chapels of the Sant Eustorgio Basilica
Milan (Italy): Freski in the Basilica of Sant Eustorgio
Milan (Italy): Vault of the church of Sant'Antonio Abate
Milan (Italy): Freskos in the Church of Sant'Antonio Abate
Milan (Italy): Nave of the Church of Sant'Antonio Abate
Milan (Italy): Vault and triumphal arch decorated with stuccos and frescoes in the Church of Sant'Antonio Abate
Milan (Italy): Triumphal arch and vault of the crossing of the Church of Sant'Antonio Abate
Milan (Italy): Branca Tower by night
Milan (Italy): Portrait of a thoughtful girl
Milan (Italy): Female singer
Milan (Italy): Certosa di Garegnano
Milan (Italy): Certosa di Garegnano
Milan (Italy): Certosa di Garegnano
Milan (Italy): Church of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Altar and aps of the Basilica of San Simpliciano
Milan (Italy): Phalenopsis flowers