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Milanofotografo - Pictures All categories

Only records containing the keywords (in Subject, Place or Notes):
Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Detail of a death's-head hawkmoth (Acherontia atropos)
Milan (Italy): Decorated ceiling of the Basilica of San Calimero
Milan (Italy): Crypt of the Basilica of San Calimero
Milan (Italy): Altar and apse of the Basilica of San Calimero
Milan (Italy): Decorations inside the Basilica of San Calimero
Milan (Italy): Peacock decoration on the ceiling of the Basilica of San Calimero
Milan (Italy): Detail of a Leuchtenbergia princeps flower
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Jump spider
Torre Suda (Lecce, Italy): The coast immediately south of the bar Solatio
Catania (Italy): Amenano Fountain by night
Catania (Italy): Facade of the Duomo at darkening
Catania (Italy): City hall of Catania
Agrigento (Italy): Apse of the Duomo
Agrigento (Italy): Frescos in the apse of the Duomo
Agrigento (Italy): The ceiling of the Duomo
Agrigento (Italy): The apse of the Duomo of Agrigento, richly decorated in rococò style
Agrigento (Italy): Beauty and decadence in a building in the city center
Agrigento (Italy): Interiors of the Church of Sant'Alfonso
Torre San Giovanni (Lecce, Italy): Male Anax imperator
Casarano (Lecce, Italy): Interiors of the Church of Santa Maria della Croce
Casarano (Lecce, Italy): Decorations inside the Church of Santa Maria della Croce
Casarano (Lecce, Italy): Detail of the interiors of the Church of Santa Maria della Croce
Casarano (Lecce, Italy): Byzantine frescos with the history of Santa Caterina da Alessandria
Torre San Giovanni (Lecce, Italy): Male of Anax imperator
Casarano (Lecce, Italy): Byzantine frescos in the Church of Santa Maria della Croce
Casarano (Lecce, Italy): Court
Casarano (Lecce, Italy): Internal court
Casarano (Lecce, Italy): Decorations above the doorway of the Cathedral Church
Casarano (Lecce, Italy): Facade of the Church of Santa Maria della Croce
Casarano (Lecce, Italy): Presbytery and apse  of the Church of Santa Maria della Croce
Alliste (Lecce, Italy): Interiors of the  Church of San Giuseppe
Otranto (Lecce, Italy): Tiger Hiperkelia
Otranto (Lecce, Italy): The sea of Otranto
Torre San Giovanni (Lecce, Italy): Male Crocothemis erythraea
Torre San Giovanni (Lecce, Italy): Female Crocothemis erythraea
Baia Verde fraction of Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Sunset with Sant'Andrea Island and boat
Lecce (Italy): Interior of the Church of the Mother of God and St. Nicholas, also known as Church of the Discalced
Lecce (Italy): Presbiterium of the The church of the Mother of God and St. Nicholas, also known as Church of the Discalced
Lecce (Italy): Ceiling of the apse of the church of the Mother of God and St. Nicholas, also known as Church of the Discalced
Lecce (Italy): Lateral altar in the Duomo
Lecce (Italy): Detail of the ceiling of the Duomo
Lecce (Italy): Altar with nativity scene in the Duomo
Lecce (Italy): Decorations on the ceiling of the Duomo
Lecce (Italy): Interior of the Church of Santa Chiara
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Interior of the Church of Santa Maria della Purità
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Detail of the interior of the Church of Santa Maria della Purità
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Ceiling of the Church of Santa Maria della Purità
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Counterfacade of the Church of Santa Maria della Purità
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Apse of the Church of Saint Francis from Assisi
Baia Verde (Gallipoli, Lecce, Italy): Sunset with Sant Andrea Island
Soleto (Lecce, Italy): Counterfacade of the Church of Santo Stefano
Soleto (Lecce, Italy): Christ Sophia in the Church of Santo Stefano
Soleto (Lecce, Italy): Byzantine and catholic priests side by side in the Church of Santo Stefano
Soleto (Lecce, Italy): Interior of the Church of Santo Stefano
Soleto (Lecce, Italy): Fresco of the Last Judgment on the counter-façade of the Church of Santo Stefano
Soleto (Lecce, Italy): Frescoed counter-façade and walls of the Church of Santo Stefano
Galatina (Lecce, Italy): Baroque portal of Pindaro palace
Soleto (Lecce, Italy): Interior of the parish Church of Santa Maria Assunta
Soleto (Lecce, Italy): Interior of the Chapel of the Virgin of Leuca
Torre San Giovanni (Lecce, Italy): Small butterfly
Torre San Giovanni (Lecce, Italy): Female Trithemis annulata
Torre San Giovanni (Lecce, Italy): Small butterfly
Torre San Giovanni (Lecce, Italy): White lilies on the dunes
Torre Suda (Lecce, Italy): Muskers' mobile home
Torre San Giovanni (Lecce, Italy): Low sun behind the dunes
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Ships in the harbour beside the castle
Baia Verde (Gallipoli, Lecce, Italy): Sunset
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Light tower on the Sant Andrea Island by night
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Sight from the castle on Gallipoli Old
Gallipoli (Lecce, Italy): Detail of the harbour by night
Cattolica (Rimini, Italy): Ships in the harbour
Milan (Italy): Baroque interiors of the Church of St. Sepulchre (Chiesa di San Sepolcro)
Milan (Italy): Altar and apsis of the Church of St. Sepulchre (Chiesa di San Sepolcro)
Valmosca fraction of Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Clouds and mountains at darkening
Valmosca fraction of Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Sunset behind the Mologna mountain
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Young Pisaura mirabilis
Valmosca fraction of Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Strange colors after the storm
Valmosca fraction of Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): High Cervo Valley landscape after a storm
Milan (Italy): Detail of the rear park of Villa Clerici in Niguarda
Milan (Italy): The first of the two theatre in the rear par of Villa Clerici in Nigurda
Milan (Italy): Facade of Villa Clerici in Niguarda
Milan (Italy): Detail of second theatre in the rear park of Villa Clerici in Niguarda
Milan (Italy): Door in one of the side wing of Villa Clerici in Niguarda
Milan (Italy): St. John Baptist on the vault of the Chartreuse of Garegnano
Milan (Italy): Altar and frescos of the apse of the Chartreuse of Garegnano
Milan (Italy): Decorations on the vault of the apse of the Chartreuse of Garegnano
Milan (Italy): Ceiling and walls covered with frescos in the Chartreuse of Garegnano
Milan (Italy): Summer Just Cavalli by night
Milan (Italy): Bar Just Cavalli with Branca Tower by night
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Oedemera nobilis on flower
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Oedemera nobilis
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Oedemera nobilis from the side
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Rhagonycha fulva
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Wild flower
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Rhagonycha fulva
San Giuliano Milanese (Milan, Italy): Facade of the Abbey of Viboldone
San Giuliano Milanese (Milan, Italy): Detail of the facade of the Abbey of Viboldone
San Giuliano Milanese (Milan, Italy): Interiors of the Abbey of Viboldone
San Giuliano Milanese (Milan, Italy): Madonna and Child on humble throne, between saints and horses in the Abbey of Viboldone
San Giuliano Milanese (Milan, Italy): Fresco of the Virgin in Majesty with Saints in the Abbey of Viboldone
San Giuliano Milanese (Milan, Italy): Frescoes depicting episodes of the live of Jesus in the the Abbey of Viboldone
San Giuliano Milanese (Milan, Italy): Central nave of the Abbey of Viboldone
San Giuliano Milanese (Milan, Italy): Naves of the Abbey of Viboldone
San Giuliano Milanese (Milan, Italy): Frescoes on the vault of a span of the Abbey of Viboldone depicting the life of Jesus Christ
San Giuliano Milanese (Milan, Italy): Symbols of the Evangelists in the Abbey of Viboldone
Milan (Italy): Facade of the Church of Santa Maria Rossa in Crescenzago
Milan (Italy): Ineriors of the Church of Santa Maria Rossa in Crescenzago
Milan (Italy): Altar and aps of the Church of Santa Maria Rossa in Crescenzago
Milan (Italy): Frescos inside the Church of Santa Maria Rossa in Crescenzago
Milan (Italy): Inerior of the Church of Santa Maria Rossa in Crescenzago
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Portrait of a Panorpa communis
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Pogonocherus hispidulus
Milan (Italy): One of the rooms of the House Museum Boschi di Stefano
Milan (Italy): Room inside the House Museum Boschi di Stefano
Milan (Italy): Sunset over Milan seen from the Branca Tower
Milan (Italy): Milan seen from the Branca Tower at sunset
Milan (Italy): Branca Tower at darkening
Milan (Italy): Sight from the Branca Tower at sunset
Mergozzo (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Italy): Probably Limenitis camilla
Mergozzo (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Italy): Portico of the chapels of the Church of the Beata Vergine Assunta
Mergozzo (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Italy): Church of the Beata Vergine Assunta: Portico of the chapels
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Lake Monate
Siviano (Brescia, Italy): Church of the Saints Faustino and Giovita
Siviano (Brescia, Italy): Interior of the Church of the Saints Faustino and Giovita
Siviano (Brescia, Italy): Vault of the presbytery of the Church of the Saints Faustino and Giovita
Siviano (Brescia, Italy): Frescoes inside the dome of the Church of the Saints Faustino and Giovita
Siviano (Brescia, Italy): Left internal wall of the Church of the Saints Faustino and Giovita
Monte Isola (Brescia, Italy): Landscape with lake and poppies
Monte Isola (Brescia, Italy): Loreto island and panorama
Monte Isola (Brescia, Italy): Peschiera Maraglio
Monte Isola (Brescia, Italy): Ceiling of the Church of San Giovanni in location Corzano
Monte Isola (Brescia, Italy): Decorations on the ceiling of the Church of San Giovanni in location Corzano
Monte Isola (Brescia, Italy): Lake promenade of Peschiera Maraglio
Monte Isola (Brescia, Italy: Interiors of the Church of San Michele Arcangelo in Peschiera Maraglio
Monte Isola (Brescia, Italy): Decorated vault of the aps in the Church of San Michele Arcangelo in Peschiera Maraglio
Monte Isola (Brescia, Italy): Decorated vault of  the Church of San Michele Arcangelo in Peschiera Maraglio
Peschiera Maraglio (Monte Isola, Brescia, Italy): Side altar in the Church of San Michele Arcangelo
Monte Isola (Brescia, Italy): Island of Loreto
Milan (Italy): Interiors of Sant Alessandro in Zebedia
Milan (Italy): Altar and apsis of Sant Alessandro in Zebedia
Milan (Italy): Altar of the church of Sant Alessandro in Zebedia
Milan (Italy): Frescos and decorations in the church of Sant Alessandro in Zebedia
Biella (Italy): Interior of the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Detail of the ceiling of the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Altar and aps of the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Detail of the interior of the Cathedral of Biella
Biella (Italy): Pigeon with the baptistery of the Cathedral of Biella in the background
Biella (Italy): Interior of the Oratorium of San Rocco
Biella (Italy): Interior of the Church of San Filippo Neri
Trezzo sull'Adda (Milan, Italy): Well of the Visconti Castle
Trezzo sull'Adda (Milan, Italy): River Adda at Trezzo
Trezzo sull'Adda (Milan, Italy): Interior of the Sanctuary of the Divine Maternity of Concesa
Trezzo sull'Adda (Milan, Italy): Apse of the Sanctuary of the Divine Maternity of Concesa
Milan (Italy): Pink water lily at Orticola 2014
Trezzo sull'Adda (Milan, Italy): Chapel of the Crucifix in the Church of Saints Gervasius and Protasius
Trezzo sull'Adda (Milan, Italy): Decorations inside the baptistery of the Church of Saints Gervasius e Protasius
Ossuccio (Como, Italy): Interior of the church of Santa Maria Maddalena
Comacina Island (Como, Italy): Ossuccio and shore of the Comacina Island
Comacina Island (Como, Italy): Ossuccio seen from the Comacina Island
Ossuccio (Como, Italy): Counterfacade and interior of the church of Santa Maria Maddalena
Ossuccio (Como, Italy): Facade of the church of Santa Maria Maddalena
Ossuccio (Como, Italy): Belltower of the church of Santa Maria Maddalena
Comacina Island (Como, Italy): Spring vegetation landscape
Comacina Island (Como, Italy): Villa Balbianello seen from the island
Ossuccio (Como, Italy): Interior of the Sanctuary of Ossuccio
Ossuccio (Como, Italy): Bell tower of the Church of Sant'Agata
Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Sanctuarium of San Giovanni of Andorno with landscape
Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Piaro seen From the Sanctuary of San Giovanni of Andorno
Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Sanctuary of San Giovanni from Andorno
Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Probably Potosia cuprea metallica(otherwise Cetonia aurata)
San Damiano fraction of Carisio (Vercelli, Italy): Glimpse on cobblestone street
San Damiano fraction of Carisio (Vercelli, Italy): Spring landscape
Campiglia Cervo (Biella, Italy): Probably Potosia cuprea metallica (otherwise Cetonia aurata)
San Damiano fraction of Carisio (Vercelli, Italy): Village street
Vigevano (Pavia, Italy): Duomo and part of the square, seen fro the tower of the castle
Vigevano (Pavia, Italy): Interior of the church of San Francesco
Vigevano (Pavia, Italy): Detail of the interior of the Duomo
Vigevano (Pavia, Italy): Detail of the interiors of the Duomo
Vigevano (Pavia, Italy): Interior of the Church of San Pietro Martyr
Vigevano (Pavia, Italy): Aps of the Church of San Pietro Martyr
Vigevano (Pavia, Italy): Voult of the Church of San Pietro Martyr
Vigevano (Pavia, Italy): Interiors of the Duomo
Vigevano (Pavia, Italy): Side altar of the Duomo
Milan (Italy): Facade and bell towers of the Basilica of Sant Ambrogio
Milan (Italy): Side chapel inside  the Basilica of Sant Ambrogio
Milan (Italy): Detail of the sarcophag of the Stilicho's Sepulchre in the Basilica of Sant Ambrogio
Milan (Italy): Detail of the facade of Sant Ambrogio
Milan (Italy): Detail of the entrance court of the Basilica of Sant Ambrogio
Milan (Italy): Altar and aps of the Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio
Milan (Italy): Detail of the main entrance of the Basilica of Sant Ambrogio
Trezzo sull'Adda (Milan, Italy): Presbytery of Church of Saints Gervasius and Protasius
Milan (Italy): Detail of the interior of the Abbey of Chiaravalle
Milan (Italy): Frescos on the vault of the aps of the Abbey of Chiaravalle
Milan (Italy): Interior of the Abbey of Chiaravalle
Milan (Italy): Frescos inside the Abbey of Chiaravalle
Milan (Italy): Interiors of the Abbey of Chiaravalle
Milan (Italy): Detail of the interior of the Abbey of Chiaravalle
Milan (Italy): Tower of the Abbey of Chiaravalle
Milan (Italy): Court of the Abbey of Chiaravalle
Milan (Italy): Part of the interiors of the Abbey of Chiaravalle