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Racale (Lecce, Italy): Interior of the Church of St. George

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Racale (Lecce, Italy): Interior of the Church of St. George
Racale (Lecce, Italy): Fresco of St. Elias in the Church of St. George
Racale (Lecce, Italy): The canvases on the counterfacade of the Church of St. George
Racale (Lecce, Italy): Fresco of the crucifixion in the Church of St. George
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Date: 06/09/2022 Camera: Fuji x-s1 Lens: Fisso - Fixed ISO: 100 Exposure time: 0.2-0.4-0.8-1.6
Aperture: 2.8 Focal length: 24mm Place: Racale (Lecce, Italy) Subject: Interior of the Church of St. George
Notes: Fusion (obtained Using the page HDR on line on this site) of four pictures on a scale of 3 stop.
All pictures of the Church of St. George in Racale
The Mother Church of Racale, formerly dedicated to the B.V. Maria del Paradiso is the most important and interesting sacred building in the country from a historical and artistic point of view.
Probably built between the 12th and 13th centuries, as it appears today it is the result of the reconstruction following the earthquake that shook the whole of Salento on the night of 20 February 1743.

SHOW ALL PICTURES taken in Racale (Lecce, Italy)

Racale (Lecce, Italy) - Interior of the Church of St. George